Why Do Chihuahuas Sleep Under Covers?

Why Do Chihuahuas Sleep Under Covers?

No other breed of dog has the same lively personality as a Chihuahua. These tiny little pooches have an infectious enthusiasm, with big personalities packed into bodies that can top out at no more than six pounds.

But when these curious and energetic pups settle down for the night, they often choose to curl up under covers on your bed or sofa.

So why do Chihuahuas take off their shoes and snuggle beneath blankets? In this informative blog post, we’ll explore some possible reasons behind this behaviour and help you pick out the ideal bedding for your pint-size pup!

Why Do Chihuahuas Like to Sleep Under the Covers?

Why Do Chihuahuas Like to Sleep Under the Covers?

To Stay Warm

Chihuahuas are smaller than most other breeds of dogs, meaning they don’t have as much fur or body fat to keep them warm.

Because of this, they often seek out extra sources of warmth and love to sleep in cooler areas such as under the covers on your bed. This not only keeps their tiny bodies cosy but can also make it easier for them to fall asleep.

To Feel Safe

Since Chihuahuas are small and can’t take on larger animals or predators, they tend to feel more secure when they’re in a confined area.

Many owners report that their pups like to snuggle up under the covers because it makes them feel safe and protected from potential dangers. [1]

Why Do Chihuahuas Like to Sleep Under the Covers?

It’s Comfy

Chihuahuas, like all other dogs, appreciate comfort just as much as humans do. They love to lounge on soft pillows and blankets, so sleeping beneath the covers can be a luxurious experience for them!

Illness or Injury

It’s important to note that if your Chihuahua suddenly starts sleeping under the covers more frequently, there might be an underlying medical reason. If they seem too warm or lethargic, contact your veterinarian right away as this could be a sign of illness or injury.

Anxiety or Fear

Some Chihuahuas may be more prone to anxiety or fear than others. If your pup seems to take refuge under the covers when they’re feeling scared, it might be a good idea to talk to your vet or an animal behaviourist about how to help them cope with their fears.

Anxiety or Fear

To Hide From Noises or People

Chihuahuas are very alert little creatures, so loud noises or strangers may make them feel scared. If your pup quickly dives under the covers when company comes over or a door slams nearby, they’re likely trying to hide from potential dangers.

To Make a Den

If you’ve noticed that your Chihuahua will move blankets and pillows around to create a little nest, then they may be trying to make a den of their own. This behaviour is often seen in wild animals as it helps them feel safe and secure while they sleep.

Trait From Puppyhood

In some cases, Chihuahuas may have been taught to sleep under the covers by their mothers or owners when they were puppies. If your pup was used to snuggling up under the blankets as a baby, then this is likely a habit they’ve carried over into adulthood.

Trait From Puppyhood


Female Chihuahuas will sometimes build an extra-cozy nest to give birth in. If your pup is pregnant, she may be trying to find a warm and safe place to have her babies!

Whether your Chihuahua prefers to sleep under the covers or stick close by your side, you can take steps to make sure they’re comfortable and safe.

Choosing the right bedding is important: opt for soft materials and lightweight blankets that won’t be too hot or restrictive. And if you think your pup might be feeling anxious or scared, talk to your vet about how to best address their needs.

False Pregnancy

In some cases, female Chihuahuas may display signs of false pregnancy. This is often caused by a disruption in hormones and can involve the dog making a den-like area to sleep in. If you think your pup might be exhibiting this behaviour, contact your vet for advice on how to help them.


Is It Safe For Chihuahuas to Sleep Under the Covers?

In general, it is safe for your Chihuahua to sleep under the covers as long as they don’t overheat. Make sure you use bedding that isn’t too heavy or thick, and don’t forget to check in on them throughout the night.

It’s also important to keep an eye out for any signs of anxiety or fear in your pup, as these can indicate a need for additional help and support.

Should You Let Your Chihuahua Sleep in Your Bed?

Whether or not you should let your Chihuahua sleep in your bed is a personal choice. Some owners enjoy the extra cuddles, while others prefer to keep their pup’s bed close by but separate from theirs.

Whichever option you choose, make sure to provide your pooch with plenty of comfortable blankets and pillows so they can rest easy!

Should You Let Your Chihuahua Sleep in Your Bed?

Can Chihuahuas be overheated under covers?

If your Chihuahua is sleeping under the covers, then it’s important to make sure they don’t become too hot. Opt for lightweight and breathable materials such as cotton or linen, and check in on them throughout the night to ensure their temperature is comfortable.

If you think your pup may be overheating, take them out of the covers and move them to a cooler area. [2]

How can you tell if he’s cold at night or not?

If you’re worried that your Chihuahua might be feeling cold at night, there are a few signs you can look for.

These include shivering, restlessness, and whining. If your pup is displaying any of these behaviours, consider providing them with an extra blanket or two to keep warm.

How can you tell if he’s cold at night or not?


Why do Chihuahuas like to sleep under the blankets?

Chihuahuas often seek out extra sources of warmth and love to sleep in cooler areas such as under the covers on your bed. This not only keeps their tiny bodies cosy but can also make them feel safe and protected from potential dangers.

Is it safe for Chihuahuas to sleep under the covers?

In general, it is safe for your Chihuahua to sleep under the covers as long as they don’t overheat. Make sure you use bedding that isn’t too heavy or thick, and check in on them throughout the night to ensure their temperature is comfortable.

Should I let my Chihuahua sleep in my bed?

Whether or not you should let your Chihuahua sleep in your bed is a personal choice. Some owners enjoy the extra cuddles, while others prefer to keep their pup’s bed close by but separate from theirs.

Whichever option you choose, make sure to provide your pooch with plenty of comfortable blankets and pillows so they can rest easy!

Why do Chihuahuas hide under covers?

Chihuahuas may hide under the covers for a variety of reasons, including anxiety or fear, to make a den, or to hide from noises or people.

If your pup is displaying this behaviour regularly, it might be a good idea to talk to your vet or an animal behaviourist about how to help them cope with their fears.

Why do Chihuahuas attach to one person?

Chihuahuas can become very attached to their owners, especially if they’ve spent a lot of time with them since puppyhood. This could be due to the pup recognizing that person as a source of safety and comfort, or it might be part of their natural pack-oriented behaviour.

Regardless, it is important to remember that all dogs need love and attention from everyone in the household.  Encouraging your pup to interact with other people and animals will help them become more confident and comfortable in social situations.

Should Chihuahuas sleep with you?

Whether or not you should allow your Chihuahua to sleep in your bed is a personal choice. Some owners enjoy the extra cuddles, while others prefer to keep their pup’s bed close by but separate from theirs.

Whichever option you choose, make sure to provide your pooch with plenty of comfortable blankets and pillows so they can rest easy!  If your pup is displaying any signs of anxiety or fear, talk to your vet about how to best address their needs.

How do you know if your Chihuahua loves you?

Your Chihuahua likely shows their love in a variety of ways, from snuggles and kisses to tail wags and playtime. They may also follow you around the house or attach themselves to your side when sleeping.

If you’re ever in doubt about your pup’s feelings for you, look out for these signs of affection: licking, cuddling, and leaning into you when being held.  These all indicate that your pup is feeling safe and loved in your presence.

How do Chihuahuas pick their favourite person?

Chihuahuas may choose their favourite person based on a combination of factors, including who they interact with the most and who provides them with the greatest amount of care.

It is also possible that they are instinctively drawn to certain people due to pack mentality. Regardless, it’s important to remember that all dogs need love and attention from everyone in the household.

Encouraging your pup to interact with other people and animals will help them become more confident and comfortable in social situations.

What do I Do if My Chihuahua is Too Hot When Sleeping Under the Covers?

If you think your pup may be overheating, take them out of the covers and move them to a cooler area. Make sure they have access to plenty of fresh water and consider adding an additional fan or air-conditioner in their sleeping area.

If your Chihuahua is still too hot, it might be a good idea to take them for a walk or give them a cool bath to help them cool down. If the overheating persists, it’s best to consult with your vet about other potential causes and treatments.

What Do I Do if My Chihuahua is Too Cold When Sleeping Under the Covers?

If you’re worried that your Chihuahua might be feeling cold at night, there are few signs you can look for. These include shivering, restlessness, and whining. If your pup is displaying any of these behaviours, consider providing them with an extra blanket or two to keep warm.

If the temperature in your home is consistently cold, then it might be a good idea to purchase a heated bed or pet bed warmer for your pup. However, if their sleeping environment remains too cold, it’s best to consult with your vet for additional advice.

What Are Some Tips to Keep My Chihuahua Warm at Night?

There are several ways you can keep your Chihuahua warm while they sleep. First, make sure their bedding is comfortable and insulated. Consider purchasing a heated pet bed or adding a few extra blankets to their sleeping area. Additionally, you could place them near an additional source of heat such as a heating pad.

If you’re worried about them overheating, consider adding a fan or air-conditioner in their sleeping area to keep the temperature comfortable.

Finally, make sure that your Chihuahua has access to plenty of fresh water throughout the night. Following these tips will help ensure that your pup stays cosy and warm while they sleep!

What Are Some Tips to Keep My Chihuahua Cool at Night?

If you’re worried that your pup might be feeling too warm while they sleep, there are several steps you can take to help keep them cool. First, make sure their bedding isn’t too heavy or thick. You should also consider adding a fan or air-conditioner in their sleeping area to ensure the temperature is comfortable.

Additionally, you could place them near an open window or provide them with plenty of ice-cold water to drink throughout the night.

Finally, if your Chihuahua is still too hot it might be a good idea to take them for a walk or give them a cool bath before bedtime.

What Are Some Ways to Encourage My Chihuahua to Sleep Under the Covers?

If you want to encourage your Chihuahua to sleep under the covers, there are few things you can do. First, make sure their sleep area is comfortable and inviting. Consider adding a few blankets or pillows for them to cuddle up in. You could also provide them with a special toy or treat to encourage them to stay in their bed.

Additionally, take the time to teach your pup commands and signals that will remind them where they should be sleeping. Finally, if your Chihuahua is displaying any signs of fear, talk to your vet or a certified animal behaviourist about how best to help them cope.

How Can I Keep My Chihuahua Safe While They Sleep Under the Covers?

To ensure your pup’s safety while they sleep under the covers, it’s important to take a few precautions. First, make sure that your Chihuahua has plenty of comfortable blankets and pillows to keep them warm.

Additionally, you should check their sleeping area regularly for signs of any loose threads or fabric that may pose a choking hazard. Finally, if your pup is displaying any signs of anxiety or fear, talk to your vet about how to best address their needs.

How Often Should I Wash My Chihuahua’s Bedding?

It is recommended that you wash your pup’s bedding at least once a week. This will help keep their sleeping area clean and free of bacteria or allergens. Additionally, washing their bedding regularly will help eliminate any unpleasant odours that may be lingering in the fabric.

Make sure to use a mild detergent when washing your Chihuahua’s bedding and avoid harsh chemicals that may irritate their skin.

How Do I Know If My Chihuahua is Comfortable Sleeping Under the Covers?

If your pup is happy and comfortable while sleeping under the covers, you should notice a few signs. Your Chihuahua will likely be relaxed and snuggled up in their bed with their head tilted back and eyes closed.

They may also experience an increase in appetite or energy after waking up from a good night’s sleep. Finally, if your pup is consistently sleeping under the covers, it’s likely that they are feeling safe and secure in their sleeping environment.

Why Do Chihuahuas Sleep Under Covers?

Chihuahuas tend to sleep under the covers for a variety of reasons. For some, it’s simply because they feel more secure and cosy in their bed when it’s covered up. Others may be seeking out extra warmth that the covers provide.

Additionally, some Chihuahuas may be exhibiting a natural instinct to burrow and create a den-like environment.

Whatever the reason may be, providing your pup with an inviting and comfortable sleeping area can help ensure they get the restful night’s sleep that they need to stay healthy and happy.

Why Should I Let My Chihuahua Sleep Under the Covers?

Allowing your Chihuahua to sleep under the covers can provide them with a number of benefits. First, it helps keep them warm and comfortable while they sleep.

Additionally, having their bedding covered up can help reduce any potential distractions from outside noises or lights which may disturb their restful slumber.

Finally, having a covered sleeping area can help create a den-like environment that may help keep your pup feel secure and safe while they sleep.

Does My Chihuahua Need Special Bedding to Sleep Under the Covers?

No, your Chihuahua does not need special bedding in order to sleep under the covers. However, it is important that their sleeping area is comfortable and inviting. Consider purchasing a heated pet bed or adding extra blankets for them to snuggle up in.

Additionally, be sure to check their bedding regularly for any signs of wear and tear that may need to be replaced. If you have more questions about how best to provide a comfortable sleeping environment for your pup, it’s always a good idea to talk with your vet for additional advice.

Do Chihuahuas Need Blankets to Sleep Under the Covers?

While Chihuahuas do not need blankets in order to sleep under the covers, they may find it more comfortable if their bedding is covered. Consider adding extra blankets or a heated pet bed for your pup to cuddle up in.

Additionally, make sure that the fabric you’re using is not too heavy or thick as this may trap heat and make your pup feel too hot at night. Finally, provide your Chihuahua with plenty of fresh water throughout the night.

Does My Chihuahua Need to Sleep Under the Covers?

No, your Chihuahua does not need to sleep under the covers. However, if your pup is consistently seeking out a covered sleeping area it’s likely that they are feeling more secure and comfortable with their bedding being covered up.

Additionally, having their bedding covered can help reduce outside distractions that may disturb their restful sleep.

Ultimately, allowing your pup to sleep under the covers can be beneficial but it’s important to monitor their sleeping habits and make sure they are not feeling too hot at night.

Do Chihuahuas Prefer to Sleep Under the Covers?

Some Chihuahuas may prefer to sleep under the covers while others may not. Ultimately, it’s important to pay attention to your pup’s behaviour and sleeping habits in order to determine what works best for them.

If your pup seems more comfortable when their bed is covered up, then it’s likely that they prefer to sleep under the covers.

However, if your pup is displaying any signs of anxiety or fear while in their covered sleeping area, you may want to consider providing them with an uncovered alternative bedding option.

Does Sleeping Under the Covers Help My Chihuahua Feel Safe?

Sleeping under the covers can help some Chihuahuas feel more secure and safe while they rest. Having their bedding covered up may provide them with a den-like environment that gives them a sense of security.

Additionally, covering up their sleeping area can help reduce any outside distractions that may disturb their slumber. Ultimately, proper monitoring of your pup’s sleeping habits is key to ensuring that they are getting the restful night’s sleep that they need.

Do I Need to Monitor My Chihuahua’s Temperatures When Sleeping Under the Covers?

Yes, it is important to monitor your pup’s temperature when sleeping under the covers. Be sure that their bedding is not too heavy or thick as this may trap heat and make them feel too hot at night.

Additionally, provide your Chihuahua with plenty of fresh water throughout the night and be sure to check their bedding regularly for any signs of wear and tear that may need to be replaced.

Monitoring your Chihuahua’s temperatures while sleeping is an important step in ensuring they get a good night’s rest.

Does My Chihuahua Need a Special Bed to Sleep Under the Covers?

No, your Chihuahua does not need a special bed to sleep under the covers. However, it is important that their sleeping area is comfortable and inviting. Consider purchasing a heated pet bed or adding extra blankets for them to snuggle up in.

Additionally, be sure to check their bedding regularly for any signs of wear and tear that may need to be replaced.

If you have more questions about how best to provide a comfortable sleeping environment for your pup, it’s always a good idea to talk with your vet for additional advice.

Do Chihuahuas Need to Sleep Under the Covers During Colder Weather?

Chihuahuas may benefit from sleeping under the covers during colder temperatures. Having their bedding covered up can help keep them warm and comfortable while they sleep.

Additionally, it may provide an extra layer of insulation that helps protect against cold drafts or breezes in their sleeping area.

Ultimately, allowing your pup to sleep under the covers can be beneficial but it’s important to monitor their sleeping habits and make sure they are not feeling too hot at night.

Is Sleeping Under the Covers Safe for My Chihuahua?

Sleeping under the covers can be safe for your Chihuahua as long as you are properly monitoring their sleeping habits and temperatures. Be sure that their bedding is not too heavy or thick to avoid trapping heat and making them feel too hot.

Additionally, provide them with plenty of fresh water throughout the night and check their bedding regularly for any signs of wear and tear that may need to be replaced.

Are There Any Benefits to Letting My Chihuahua Sleep Under the Covers?

Yes, there can be many benefits to letting your Chihuahua sleep under the covers. Covering up their bedding may provide them with a den-like environment that gives them a sense of security and well-being.

Additionally, having their bedding covered can help reduce outside distractions that may disturb their restful sleep.

Ultimately, allowing your pup to sleep under the covers can be beneficial but it’s important to monitor their sleeping habits and make sure they are not feeling too hot at night.

Are There Any Drawbacks to Letting My Chihuahua Sleep Under the Covers?

The main drawback to letting your Chihuahua sleep under the covers is that it may make them too hot at night. Be sure that their bedding is not too heavy or thick as this may trap heat and make them uncomfortable while they sleep.

Additionally, provide them with plenty of fresh water throughout the night and monitor their temperatures to ensure they are not feeling too hot.

If you have more questions about how best to provide a comfortable sleeping environment for your pup, it’s always a good idea to talk with your vet for additional advice.

Useful Video: Cute Chihuahua Dog likes to sleep under a Blanket


Chihuahuas sleeping under blankets is a common behaviour that deserves close attention from pet owners. Owners need to make sure that their pet’s temperature and sleep in the most comfortable environment are considered while they are covering themselves under blankets.

It’s a great way for owners to show affection by providing a warm place for them to snuggle at night or during nap time, but caution must be taken when leaving them too wrapped up in blankets. Hopefully, through this post, you’ve learned the various reasons behind chihuahuas curling up under covers.

Whether your chihuahua is trying to keep cosy or signalling that it feels safe and secure in its environment by burrowing into blankets, understanding all of these possibilities can help you create the perfect environment for your pup. At the end of the day, their safety should always come first!

If you have any other questions regarding why do Chihuahuas sleep under covers, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via our website or drop us an email – we’re more than happy to answer any pet-related queries in a more detailed and friendly manner.


  1. https://thechihuahuashack.com/why-do-chihuahuas-sleep-under-covers/
  2. https://www.dog-breeds-expert.com/why-do-chihuahuas-sleep-under-covers.html