Why Do Chihuahuas Lick Inside Your Nose?

Why Do Chihuahuas Lick Inside Your Nose?

If you own a chihuahua, or just love them as much as we do, chances are you’ve experienced the adorable—and potentially slimy sensation of having your pup lick inside your nose! But ever wonder why they do it?

While this could simply be out of affection or to show their love for us humans, there’s some science behind it.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why chihuahuas might want to lick inside our noses and how best to manage these behaviours if unwanted. Keep reading to find out more about your beloved pup’s odd habits!

Why Do Chihuahuas Lick Inside Your Nose?

Why Do Chihuahuas Lick Inside Your Nose?

There are a few potential explanations for why your chihuahua might be licking inside your nose. One theory is that it’s an attempt to show you affection and express gratitude. Chihuahuas are incredibly social creatures, so they’re likely expressing love when they do this.

Another possibility is that the sensation of licking can provide them with comfort or even pleasure. Dogs often groom themselves by licking, so it might just be instinctual behaviour that has been passed down from their ancestors.

It’s also possible that your chihuahua is trying to communicate something else through this behaviour. If they’ve recently had a medical issue or are having difficulty adjusting to something new in the environment, they might be seeking attention.

Why Do Chihuahuas Lick Inside Your Nose?

Reasons Why Chihuahuas Lick Inside Your Nose


As mentioned earlier, your chihuahua is likely licking inside your nose to show affection. This behaviour is usually seen as a sign of love and gratitude from the dog, so it’s important to respond positively when this happens.


Chihuahuas have an instinct to groom themselves, so this behaviour can often be seen as part of their routine. They might also be trying to clean up something on your face or remove an irritating sensation like food residue from your nose.

Enjoy Licking and Reduce Stress

Another reason why chihuahuas might lick inside your nose is that they simply enjoy the sensation. Licking can provide them with relief or even pleasure, so it’s not unusual to see this behaviour in pups who are feeling stressed or anxious.

Reasons Why Chihuahuas Lick Inside Your Nose


Your chihuahua may be looking for attention. If they’ve recently had any medical issues or are struggling to adjust to a new environment, this behaviour could be their way of communicating their need for support and love.


Your pup might also be licking inside your nose simply because they enjoy the taste. While this isn’t as common, it’s still possible.

To Express Emotions

Chihuahuas are incredibly social creatures, so it’s possible they’re licking inside your nose to communicate their emotions. If they’re feeling happy or excited about something, this behaviour could be their way of showing you how much they care.


Your chihuahua may be doing this out of instinct. This behaviour can often be seen in puppies, as it could have been passed down from their ancestors.

To Express Emotions


Your pup might just be curious about the sensation of licking inside your nose. Exploring new things can provide them with a sense of security, so this could be their way of reassuring themselves in unfamiliar environments.

To Enhance Scent

Another possible explanation for why chihuahuas lick inside your nose is that they’re trying to enhance their scent. This could be a way of linking themselves with yours, so they may start doing this if they want to feel more connected to you.


Your chihuahua may be licking inside your nose to show submission. This behaviour indicates that they recognize you as the leader of the pack and want to prove their loyalty to you.


Your pup might be licking inside your nose to greet you. This behaviour can often be seen in puppies, as it could have been passed down from their ancestors.

Sadness or Illness

Your pup might be licking inside your nose to show sadness or illness. If they’ve recently had any medical issues or are struggling to adjust to a new environment, this behaviour could be their way of communicating their need for support and love.


Reinforced Behavior

Your chihuahua may be licking inside your nose because you’ve rewarded this behaviour in the past. Whether it’s with a treat or simply verbal praise, rewarding behaviour encourages them to repeat it—including licking inside your nose!

Should I Let My Dog Lick Up My Nose?

Whether or not you should let your chihuahua lick inside your nose is ultimately up to you. If it’s something that both of you enjoy, then it might be worth continuing. However, if this behaviour causes you discomfort or anxiety, it’s important to manage the situation and communicate to your pup that this isn’t acceptable behaviour.

When managing any behaviour, it’s important to remain patient and consistent. This means not giving your pup any attention when they lick inside your nose. Instead, redirect their focus to something else such as playing fetch or practising basic commands.

Additionally, you should seek professional help from a veterinarian or animal behaviourist if the problem persists. They can provide you with guidance on how best to manage the behaviour.

Reinforced Behavior

How To Discourage Nose Licking

Redirect the Behaviour

When your chihuahua starts licking inside your nose, it’s important to redirect their focus. This could be anything from playing with a toy or practising basic commands such as sit and stay.

Don’t Reward the Behaviour

It’s also important to not reward this behaviour in any way. This means no treats, verbal praise, or physical affection when your pup starts licking inside your nose.

Mental Stimulation

Providing your pup with mental stimulation can be a great way to discourage nose licking. This could come in the form of puzzle toys, interactive games, or even playing hide and seek.

Give Affection and Attention

It’s also important to show your chihuahua affection and attention. This could be in the form of petting, brushing their fur, or playing with them.


Providing your pup with plenty of exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety that could lead to nose licking. Taking them on walks or runs is a great way for them to get their energy out and release any built-up tension.



Why does my dog lick the inside of my nose?

Your chihuahua may be licking the inside of your nose for a variety of reasons. This behaviour can often be seen as a sign of affection, grooming, stress relief, attention-seeking, or curiosity.

Is it OK to let my Chihuahua lick inside my nose?

Whether or not you should let your chihuahua lick inside your nose is ultimately up to you. If it’s something that both of you enjoy, then it might be worth continuing.

However, if this behaviour causes you discomfort or anxiety, it’s important to manage the situation and communicate to your pup that this isn’t acceptable behaviour.

How can I discourage my Chihuahua from licking inside my nose?

When managing this behaviour, it’s important to remain patient and consistent. This means not giving your pup any attention when they lick inside your nose. Instead, you should redirect their focus to something else such as playing fetch or practising basic commands.

Additionally, you can also provide them with mental stimulation, give them plenty of affection and attention, and exercise regularly to reduce stress and anxiety.

Why does my dog lick my nostrils and mouth?

Your chihuahua may be licking your nostrils and mouth to enhance their scent, show submission, or communicate their emotions. It’s also possible that they’re simply curious about the sensation of licking inside your nose.

Why does my dog lick my nose when petted?

Your pup may be licking your nose when petted as a way of showing affection and closeness. This behaviour can often be seen in puppies, as it could have been passed down from their ancestors.

It’s also possible that they are trying to enhance their scent or communicate their emotions.

What happens if a dog licks inside your mouth?

If your chihuahua licks inside your mouth, it’s important to remain calm and redirect their focus.

This behaviour could be seen as a sign of submission or affection, but it can also be the result of stress or anxiety. It’s best to speak with a veterinarian or animal behaviourist if this problem persists.

Do dog licks mean kisses?

Yes, dog licks can often be seen as kisses. If your pup is licking inside your nose or mouth, it could be a sign of affection or submission. However, it’s also possible that they are trying to enhance their scent or communicate their emotions.

What does a dog licking your face mean?

A dog licking your face can often be seen as a sign of affection and submission. This behaviour is also used to help enhance their scent or communicate their emotions.

If this behaviour causes you discomfort or anxiety, it’s important to manage the situation and communicate to your pup that this isn’t acceptable behaviour.

What are the signs that my Chihuahua is stressed?

Common signs of stress or anxiety in chihuahuas include trembling, panting, pacing, excessive barking, hiding, licking excessively, and changes in appetite.

If your pup is exhibiting any of these behaviours, it’s best to speak with a veterinarian or animal behaviourist for guidance on how to manage the situation.

What should I do if my Chihuahua is licking excessively?

If your chihuahua is licking excessively, it’s important to remain patient and consistent. This means not giving your pup any attention when they lick inside your nose. Instead, redirect their focus to something else such as playing fetch or practising basic commands.

Additionally, you can also provide them with mental stimulation, give them plenty of affection and attention, and exercise regularly to reduce stress and anxiety.

Additionally, you should seek professional help from a veterinarian or animal behaviourist if the problem persists. They can provide you with guidance on how best to manage the behaviour.

What should I do if my Chihuahua is stressed?

If your chihuahua is exhibiting signs of stress or anxiety, it’s important to remain patient and consistent. You can provide them with mental stimulation, give them plenty of affection and attention, and exercise regularly to reduce stress and anxiety.​

What are some tips for preventing my Chihuahua from licking inside my nose?

There are several steps you can take to prevent your chihuahua from licking inside your nose. These include providing them with mental stimulation, giving them plenty of affection and attention, and exercising regularly to reduce stress and anxiety.

Additionally, it’s important not to give your pup any treats, attention, or physical contact when they lick inside your nose. Instead, redirect their focus to something else such as playing fetch or practising basic commands.

​What should I do if my Chihuahua continues to lick inside my nose?

If your chihuahua continues to lick inside your nose, it’s important to remain patient and consistent. This means not giving your pup any treats, attention, or physical contact when they lick inside your nose. Instead, redirect their focus to something else such as playing fetch or practising basic commands.​

What other tips do you have for managing my Chihuahua’s licking problem?

Aside from providing your pup with mental stimulation, giving them plenty of affection and attention, and exercising regularly to reduce stress and anxiety, it’s also important to supervise your chihuahua when they are around others.

Additionally, it’s important not to give them any treats or physical contact when they lick inside your nose. When this behaviour does occur, try to redirect their focus to something else such as playing fetch or practising basic commands.

What are the long-term effects of a Chihuahua licking inside your nose?

If your chihuahua continues to lick inside your nose unchecked, it can lead to long-term consequences such as anxiety and stress. Additionally, if the licking becomes excessive, it could also lead to skin irritation or infection.

Therefore, it’s important to take steps to manage this behaviour and seek professional help from a veterinarian or animal behaviourist if the problem persists.

​What are the benefits of having a Chihuahua?

Chihuahuas can make wonderful companions. They are smart, loyal, and affectionate. Additionally, they require minimal exercise and have low grooming needs.

With proper socialisation and training, chihuahuas can be great family pets that bring lots of joy into your life.

​How can I ensure that my Chihuahua is well-socialised?

To ensure your chihuahua is well-socialised, it’s important to introduce them to different environments and people in a positive manner. This means introducing them to new sounds, sights and smells at an early age so they can become comfortable with their surroundings.

Additionally, you should also introduce them to other dogs and animals so they become comfortable around other living beings. Lastly, it’s important to provide lots of positive reinforcement and rewards when your pup behaves well in these situations.​

How can I find professional help for my Chihuahua’s licking problem?

If your chihuahua’s licking problem persists, it’s important to seek professional help from a veterinarian or animal behaviourist. They can provide you with guidance on how best to manage the situation and how to prevent it from happening in the future.

Additionally, they may also suggest medication or behaviour modification techniques to help reduce the anxiety and stress that could be causing your pup to lick inside your nose.

How should I care for my Chihuahua?

Caring for a chihuahua properly includes providing them with proper nutrition, mental stimulation, regular exercise, and lots of love and attention. Additionally, it’s important to provide your pup with regular vet checkups and vaccinations to ensure they stay healthy.

Lastly, make sure you provide plenty of supervision when your pup is around other animals or people to prevent any potential accidents or injuries.​

How often should I take my Chihuahua to the vet?

It’s recommended that you take your chihuahua for regular vet checkups and vaccinations. Your veterinarian can guide how often these visits should occur based on your pup’s age, health, lifestyle, and other factors.

Additionally, it’s important to speak with a veterinarian if you notice any changes in your pup’s behaviour or health.​

How can I tell if my Chihuahua is happy?

A happy chihuahua will often demonstrate certain behaviours such as wagging their tail, playing and exploring their environment, and being affectionate with you.

Additionally, they should have a soft and shiny coat, bright eyes, good appetite, and regular elimination habits. If you suspect that your pup isn’t feeling their best, it’s important to speak with a veterinarian for further advice.​

How can I make sure my Chihuahua is safe around others?

It’s important to provide plenty of supervision when your chihuahua is around other animals or people.

Additionally, it’s important to socialise them with positive reinforcement and rewards when they behave well in these situations.

Finally, make sure you use a leash or harness if they are outside to prevent any potential accidents or injuries.​

How can I keep my Chihuahua mentally stimulated?

To keep your chihuahua mentally stimulated, it’s important to provide them with lots of mental and physical activities such as going for walks, playing fetch or hide and seek, and providing interactive toys.

Additionally, teaching them basic commands like sit or stay is also a great way to keep their minds active.

Why is it important to provide my Chihuahua with proper nutrition?

Providing your chihuahua with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs helps to keep them healthy and strong. Additionally, proper nutrition can also help to support their immune system, reduce the risk of illness or disease, and improve their overall quality of life.

Therefore, it’s important to choose a high quality food that is formulated specifically for small breed dogs and speak with your veterinarian to make sure you are providing the proper nutrition for your pup.

​Why is it important to provide my Chihuahua with regular exercise?

Regular exercise can help your chihuahua stay physically and mentally fit. Additionally, providing them with regular physical activity helps to reduce stress and anxiety, which can decrease the likelihood of bad behaviours such as excessive licking or chewing.

Therefore, it’s important to make sure your pup gets plenty of exercise daily. This could include going for a walk, playing fetch or hide and seek, or visiting the dog park.​

Which type of harness is best for my Chihuahua?

When choosing a harness for your chihuahua, it’s important to make sure that the fit is snug and comfortable. Additionally, it should be made with durable material that won’t cause any irritation or discomfort when walking or running.

Furthermore, look for one with adjustable straps so you can customise the fit as your pup grows. Finally, consider a harness that has reflective material so you can easily spot your pup at night.​

Which type of collar is best for my Chihuahua?

When choosing a collar for your chihuahua, it’s important to make sure that the fit is snug and comfortable. Additionally, look for one made from durable material such as leather or nylon.

Furthermore, consider a buckle-style closure that can be easily adjusted as your pup grows. Finally, consider a collar with reflective material so you can easily spot your pup at night.

Does my Chihuahua need special grooming?

Yes, your chihuahua should receive regular grooming to help keep their coat and skin healthy. Additionally, regular brushing helps to reduce shedding and remove any dirt or debris from their fur.

Furthermore, it’s important to trim their nails regularly and clean their ears with a soft cloth or cotton ball. Lastly, provide them with regular baths using a mild shampoo and make sure to dry them off thoroughly.​

Do Chihuahuas need regular dental care?

Yes, it’s important to provide your chihuahua with regular dental care. This includes brushing their teeth two to three times per week using a toothbrush specifically designed for dogs and dog-friendly toothpaste.

Additionally, providing them with chew toys or treats can help reduce plaque buildup and keep their teeth healthy.

Does my Chihuahua need any special medical care?

Yes, it’s important to provide your chihuahua with regular vet checkups and vaccinations. Additionally, you should consult your veterinarian if you notice any changes in your pup’s behaviour or health.

Lastly, make sure to follow any instructions given by your vet to ensure that your pup stays healthy.

Do Chihuahuas need any special dietary needs?

Yes, it’s important to provide your chihuahua with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs.

Additionally, look for high-quality food specifically formulated for small breed dogs and speak with your veterinarian to make sure you are providing the proper nutrition for your pup.

Lastly, consider adding supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics to their diet to further support their overall health.

Does my Chihuahua need any special training?

Yes, it’s important to provide your chihuahua with basic training. This includes teaching them commands like sit and stay, as well as how to walk on a leash or harness.

Additionally, positive reinforcement and rewards can help encourage good behaviour in your pup. Lastly, make sure to be patient and consistent while training your chihuahua as this will help to ensure success.​

Do Chihuahuas need any special toys?

Yes, it’s important to provide your chihuahua with interactive toys that will keep them mentally and physically stimulated. This could include things like chew toys, puzzle toys, or plush squeaky toys.

Additionally, providing your pup with a variety of different types of toys can help to prevent boredom and keep them entertained. Lastly, make sure to supervise your pup while they are playing with their toys and replace any that are damaged or broken.


In summary, it’s natural for Chihuahuas to lick inside your nose – not only is it a great way to stand out among other pet owners, but it also strokes the human-animal bond

Not only will you and your pup be closer friends, but you can make sure that he’s healthy too! All in all, why don’t you put an end to the myth about Chihuahuas licking your nose being bad luck?

Don’t forget that you should always give your furry friend a break when needed and if there are any signs of discomfort. Plus, just like any animal behaviour, hygiene should be taken into account before allowing them to continue.

Show some love towards man’s best friend by exploring why do Chihuahuas lick inside your nose? Be brave and try it yourself! Who knows? You may soon have a more friendly relationship with your pup.


  1. https://thechihuahuashack.com/why-do-chihuahuas-lick-inside-your-nose/