How to Get Rid of Dog Gland Smell on Furniture?

How to Get Rid of Dog Gland Smell on Furniture?

If you’re like most dog owners, you probably love spending time with your furry friend – but sometimes their smell can be a bit…overwhelming. Dog gland smell is one of the most common sources of pet odor, and it can be tough to get rid of it completely. In this article, we will answer some common questions about dog gland odor and provide some tips on how to eliminate it from your furniture. Let’s get started!

What Causes Dog Gland Smell?

Dog gland smell is caused by the oil produced by sebaceous glands in your pet’s skin. This oil contains a variety of substances, including fatty acids and proteins, which can give off an unpleasant odor. As dogs age, their sebaceous glands become more active and produce more oil, resulting in stronger smells. [4]

Why Do Dog Glands Smell Up the Furniture?

Baking Soda

The best way to get rid of this smell is to use natural ingredients such as baking soda and vinegar. When mixed together in equal parts, these two household staples form a paste that helps draw out smells from furniture upholstery. To use this method:

  1. Mix one part baking soda with one part white vinegar to form a paste.
  2. Rub the paste onto the affected areas of furniture and let sit for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Wipe off any excess paste with a damp cloth or paper towel, then leave to air dry.
  4. Once dry, vacuum up any remaining baking soda residue from the furniture upholstery using an attachment specifically designed for this purpose. [1]

Hydrogen Peroxide

One way to get rid of the smell of dog glands on furniture is by using hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down organic compounds, and it’s also a natural disinfectant that can help keep your furniture free from bacteria. To use hydrogen peroxide, start by mixing one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts water in a spray bottle. Then, spray the solution onto the affected area of your furniture and let it sit for at least 10 minutes before wiping it off with a cloth. You may need to repeat this process multiple times if the smell persists.

When using hydrogen peroxide, make sure you do not scrub too hard as this could damage your furniture’s finish or coloration. Additionally, make sure you use a cloth or paper towel to wipe off any excess solution as hydrogen peroxide can discolor fabrics. [1]

Hydrogen Peroxide

Detergent Powder and Vinegar

Another home remedy you can use to remove the smell of dog glands on furniture is a mixture of detergent powder and vinegar. Start by mixing one part detergent powder with one part white vinegar in a bowl. Apply this solution to the affected area and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before wiping off any excess with a cloth or paper towel. This method can also help freshen up your furniture, as well as neutralize any lingering odors from pet urine or sweat. [1]

Enzymatic Cleaners & Commercial Pet Odor Eliminating Products

If you’re looking for a more heavy-duty solution, enzymatic cleaners and commercial pet odor eliminating products are also effective at getting rid of dog gland smell on furniture. Enzymatic cleaners use enzymes to break down organic material, while commercial pet odor eliminators contain special ingredients that neutralize odors on contact.

To use an enzymatic cleaner or pet odor eliminating product, simply spray it onto the affected area and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before wiping off any excess with a cloth. You may need to repeat this process multiple times if the smell persists. Additionally, make sure you read all manufacturer instructions prior to using these products as they may cause discoloration or other damage on certain fabrics. [1]

Biological Washing Powder

Biological washing powder also works well to get rid of the smell of dog glands on furniture. Start by mixing one part biological washing powder with two parts cold water in a bowl. Apply this solution to the affected area and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before wiping off any excess with a cloth or paper towel.

When using biological washing powder, make sure you do not scrub too hard as this could damage your furniture’s finish or coloration. Additionally, make sure you use a cloth or paper towel to wipe off any excess solution as biological washing powder can discolor fabrics. [1]

Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning is also an effective way to get rid of the smell of dog glands on furniture. To use this method, start by filling a steam cleaner with distilled water and set it to the lowest setting. Then, use the steamer to clean the affected area of your furniture. This will help eliminate any lingering odors from pet urine or sweat as well as freshness up the furniture upholstery.

When steam cleaning, make sure you do not leave the steamer in one spot for too long as this could damage your furniture’s finish or coloration. Additionally, make sure you let the furniture air dry afterwards as wet fabrics can cause mold or mildew growth over time. [1]

Use Removable Furniture Covers

If you want to prevent the smell of dog glands from ever getting onto your furniture, consider investing in some removable furniture covers. These are especially useful if you have leather or suede furniture, as they can protect them against pet odor and dirt buildup. Additionally, using a cover also helps keep your furniture looking new for longer periods of time.

When buying covers, make sure you measure the size of your furniture beforehand so that you buy one that fits perfectly. Additionally, make sure you check the care instructions prior to purchasing a cover as some may require dry cleaning or hand washing only. [1]

Pineapple juice

Pineapple juice is also effective at getting rid of the smell of dog glands on furniture. Start by mixing one part pineapple juice with one part cold water in a bowl. Apply this solution to the affected area and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before wiping off any excess with a cloth or paper towel.

This method works best when used in conjunction with other cleaning solutions, as it helps neutralize odors and give your furniture a pleasant scent. Additionally, make sure you spot test this solution prior to use as pineapple juice can discolor certain fabrics if left on for too long. [2]

Pineapple juice

Surgical treatment

If the smell of dog glands still persists on your furniture after trying all of the above measures, it may be time to seek surgical treatment. This can involve removing, cleaning, and treating smelly patches with special solutions that are specifically designed for pet odors.

It is important to note that this procedure should only be done by a professional and may also require the use of protective gear such as gloves and masks due to potential health risks. Additionally, make sure you discuss all possible options with your vet beforehand as some medical treatments may not be suitable in certain cases. [2]

Medicated cleaners

Another option you may want to consider is using a medicated cleaner specifically designed for pet odor removal. These products work by breaking down the enzymes found in dog glands and eliminating their associated odors.

When using these cleaners, make sure you follow the instructions on the label carefully as misuse can lead to skin irritation or respiratory problems. Additionally, check with your vet prior to use if your pet has any allergies or sensitivities as some of these cleaners may contain ingredients that could cause adverse reactions. [2]

Air Out The Cushions

You may want to try airing out the cushions of your furniture in an attempt to get rid of the smell. To do this, remove all your cushions from the furniture and place them outdoors in a sunny spot for several hours. The sun’s UV rays help remove odors by killing bacteria and fungi that can be responsible for bad smells.

Additionally, air out your cushions indoors by placing them near open windows or fans. This helps clear out any trapped odors and freshen up the cushions so they don’t retain any pet odor over time. [3]

If All Else Fails

If none of the above methods work, it may be time to consider replacing your furniture. This method is usually more expensive than just buying covers or using products specifically designed for pet odor removal, but it can be a good solution if all other options have been exhausted and the smell still persists. [1]

If All Else Fails

Potential Pitfalls When Cleaning Your Furniture

Beware of the Pineapple Juice Fix

One of the most common solutions for getting rid of dog gland smell on furniture is to apply pineapple juice to the affected area. While this may work in some cases, the acidity of pineapple juice can also damage the furniture’s finish if it’s left on too long or applied with too much pressure.

It’s smart to avoid using pineapple juice altogether and instead opt for an enzymatic cleaner like Nature’s Miracle that can break down organic odors without damaging your furniture. Additionally, you will want to test a small area before applying any product or solution to make sure that it won’t cause discoloration or further damage. [1]

Be Careful with Expensive or Antique Fabrics

Getting rid of dog gland smell on furniture with expensive or antique fabrics can be tricky. In some cases, the best solution may simply be to have the pieces professionally cleaned. If you insist on tackling it yourself, however, make sure that any cleaning solution or product you use is compatible with the fabric and won’t cause discoloration or damage.

You also want to make sure that you are using a gentle approach when wiping down the surface of your furniture. For example, if you’re using a cloth or sponge to apply a cleaner, don’t scrub too hard as this could leave behind streaks or pull threads from the fabric. [1]

Here’s How To Wash Your Pillows And Blankets

If your dog sleeps on the furniture, it’s very likely that his glands will leave a strong smell. To get rid of this smell, you’ll need to wash all affected items in hot water and detergent. Here are a few simple steps to follow:

  1. Remove any pet hair using a vacuum cleaner or lint roller. Make sure to clean both sides of the blankets and pillows.
  2. Check labels for specific machine washing instructions—some fabrics require special care. Generally, most items can be washed with laundry detergent in hot water (140°F).
  3. If possible, add one cup of white vinegar or baking soda to the load for extra cleaning power.
  4. Once the wash cycle is complete, hang your items to air dry or tumble-dry them on low heat. Make sure to clean and deodorize the washer afterwards. [4]

If you can’t machine wash your blankets and pillows, you can also spot clean them with a combination of soda bicarbonate and warm water. Work in small circular motions until the odor has gone, then vacuum up any residue before laundering according to instructions.

Quick Tips for Removing Dog Gland Smell from Furniture

  1. Start by vacuuming the area of your furniture to remove any dirt, dust and pet fur that may be contributing to the smell.
  2. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and apply it liberally to the affected area. Let this sit for several minutes before wiping off with a clean cloth. Repeat as necessary until the odor is gone. This should work for most fabrics, but test on a small inconspicuous spot first just in case.
  3. If you have leather furniture, use an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for removing pet odors from leather surfaces instead of vinegar/water mixture mentioned above. Follow directions on the package carefully and make sure to stay away from harsh chemicals.
  4. If the smell persists, try using an odor neutralizing spray available at most pet stores. Spray evenly over the affected area allowing some of it to penetrate into the furniture’s stuffing and seams.
  5. Finally, if nothing else seems to work right away, you can always try placing a deodorizer such as baking soda or coffee grounds in small containers around your furniture. Try to keep them away from direct sunlight and allow them to absorb any odors that may remain for several days before discarding them outside. [4]

Quick Tips for Removing Dog


Why does my dog still smell after glands are expressed?

Dog glands typically produce an odor when they are full and need to be expressed. However, even after expressing the glands, your pup may still have a lingering smell due to their body chemistry. This is completely normal and sometimes requires multiple treatments before the odor is fully eliminated.

What home remedy gets rid of fishy smell on dogs?

One home remedy that can be used to get rid of fishy smell on dogs is to mix a solution of half white vinegar and half water. This mixture should then be applied liberally to the affected area and rinsed off thoroughly with warm water. For added effectiveness, you can also add a few drops of tea tree oil or lavender oil to the solution.

Why do dogs express their glands when sleeping?

Dogs usually express their glands when sleeping as a way of marking their territory. This is done in order to make sure that other animals know who owns the space and also serves to let them relax knowing they are safe from intruders.

Can dogs empty their own glands?

In most cases, no. It is best to leave the job of expressing your dog’s glands to a professional for safety and accuracy. However, if you are confident in doing so, it is possible to gently massage your pup’s anal area until their glands empty naturally.

Can dogs empty their own glands

How do you know if your dog needs his glands squeezed?

If your pup is scooting on the ground or excessively licking their rear end, it may be a sign that they need their glands expressed. Another indicator is if your pup has a fishy odor coming from behind. If you suspect this to be the case, it’s best to take them to a vet for an evaluation.

How often should I release my dog’s glands?

It is recommended to have your pup’s glands expressed every 8-12 weeks, or whenever they seem uncomfortable. However, it’s best to consult with a vet for proper guidance on how often your pup should have their glands released.

Can a dog be hurt by expressing glands?

Yes, if not done carefully and correctly. It is always best to leave the job of expressing your dog’s glands to a professional for safety and accuracy.

What happens if you don’t squeeze your dog’s glands?

If your pup’s glands are not regularly expressed, the fluid can become impacted and cause pain or discomfort. Additionally, if left unaddressed the fluid can build up and lead to infections or other health issues.

Useful Video: How To Get Rid Of Dog Gland Smell On Furniture


Now that you know how to get rid of dog gland smell on furniture, it’s time to take action and clean your beloved furniture. Remember that treating the odor as soon as possible is key, so be sure to act quickly when you notice the telltale signs of dog gland smell. Whether you choose a natural solution or a commercial product, you will be able to make your furniture smell fresh and clean again. Good luck!

